I have always, more or less, thought of myself as a marketing guy who takes pictures rather than, like most, a picture guy who markets.
Having grown up in the analog photography days, long before the internet, you had to market your work or go out of business as a professional, commercial photographer.
It was that simple. Market or die.
In photography, unlike many other businesses, you are the brand.
Yes, of course, people often like and buy your photography because of a certain subject matter you shoot. Or even a style you shoot in.
But, in reality, at the end of the day, they admire, follow, and even purchase your work, because they know, like and trust you.
In photography, you are the brand. Never forget it.
Can assholes sell photography? Sadly, yep. But not consistently.
As a photographer, your life narrative and experience is, by far and away, your greatest market gift and grit.
You build a base of fans and followers by being liked, telling your story, and showcasing, at every turn, not just what makes you click but, also, what makes you tick.
Photography, at least how I go about it, can’t be separated from your special, unique life experiences.
Photographs need a backstory, a narrative, and a personality.
Photographs need you.
You are the brand.