
On my way to coffee this morning, I caught the tail-end of an NPR piece on “Uncertainty”

Uncertainty, oh glorious uncertainty. We love you. But do we?

Oddly, even sadly, we talk about uncertainty, in all aspects of life, like its big-ass, scary, fearful condition to avoid at all costs. This uncertainty often paralyzes us from even incremental forward progress.

Let’s be honest, the world is a big fucking place. Huge. Stars upon stars. Galaxy upon galaxy. A world without end.

And we, all of us, without exception, regardless of your bravado and swagger, are tiny, fractional, trivial parts of this cosmic uncertainty.

We don’t know shit.

And for those who push against this unsureness, unpredictability, fickleness, and inconstancy…let go.

There is true wisdom and wonder in all this uncertainty.

It’s often, in many cases, if you think about it, this uncertainty that drives discovery and possibility.

Say to yourself, every day, resolutely…”I do not know and I do not care that I do not know.”

Even in my photography life, there is so much uncertainty.

But, again, it’s this uncertainty that probes the outer limits of curiosity, and it’s where shit happens-the shit that really matters.
Hail to indecision, doubt, second thoughts, general unknowing.

You got this. You do. It’s okay to be uncertain.



Jack Hollingsworth