For many photographers, yes, even many professional ones, color, is an often incidental element in and to the frame.
In other words, these photographers, are happily focused on the subject (content, not the color)
To me, color is integral and fundamental to absolutely everything I do and shoot.
I often see color before I see the traditional subject matter.
As a matter of fact, in my fine-art practice, color is regularly the subject.
On the color spectrum part of the scale, I tend to be a “warm” rather than a “cool” snapper.
Everything to me is a “golden” opportunity.
Reds. Yellows. Oranges. Pinks. Maroons
Warm colors often evoke feelings of happiness, optimism, energy, passion, love, attachment, hope, and feeling.
Sometimes color is representative of how I feel.
Other times it directs my mood, style, and emotions.
I know this may sound a bit whacko, but even in my romantic attachments, which are few, I look for color chemistry and compatibility, in clothes, fashion, furnishings, taste, style, and hair.
Does the person I’m attracted to, relate to and fit into my color spectrum of life?
It’s near impossible to isolate color from light.
They are flip sides of the same coin.
Hues, Saturation, and Brightness (HSB) are all you really need to know about color.
Hue is the name of the color displayed. Saturation is the intensity of the color. Brightness, also called Brilliance, is how “dark” or “bright” the color is.
In photography, color is as personal as it gets.
The color shows the viewer, both the inside and outside stuff, of the creator-the photographer.
I am feeling, deeply, colored tonight.
She is the very fire of the soul. She is the tick behind my click. She is my gooey stuff.