Sherilyn Milch

One of the benefits, as you might imagine, of being a photographer, is that I get to meet and interact with a lot of people.
And I mean, lots and lots of people from all walks of life

Perhaps, in truth, for the most part, these are people I wouldn’t ordinarily meet but the camera and lens, serendipitously, put us together in the same time and place.


You have seen photos of this woman before, many times actually.

She is one of my favorite Austin models and a good friend too.

Gorgeous. Smart. Funny as hell. Comfortable in her own skin. What a joy to be with and photograph her.

I love this woman. I also love her ex and new husband-super studs.

Side note, perhaps I’m not supposed to say this about moms-she has 3 young children-but this chica is crazy, fucking sexy.

A toast to moms, everywhere! Moms can be sexy too:)

These are older photos.

We shot them over about an hour. Yep.

She moves with the wind. I just follow along.

Meet Sherilyn Milch. Love you Ms Milch.

Weird, I was editing photos tonight, for another project, and these sidetracked me

I couldn’t help but honor this woman and human being. Just wow.



Jack Hollingsworth