There it was—staring back at me, loud and unapologetic. The open road. I had gone...
January 4, 2025
Through photos and text, the autobiographical journey of iPhone photographer, Jack Hollingsworth.
There it was—staring back at me, loud and unapologetic. The open road. I had gone...
Today, I celebrate 71 years young—71 orbits around the sun, 71 revolutions through the grind...
I just sat through a video yesterday—a painful, excruciating watch—from an iPhone photographer I generally...
As an iPhone author, speaker, and influencer in the realm of iPhone photography, I often...
There are places in this world that feel like whispers from a dream—familiar, yet elusive....
It should come as no surprise that doors and windows have long fascinated photographers. Duh....
Photography is, without question, the most inspiring, enthralling, and captivating thing I do in life....
It’s easy to make a case for all cameras, of every stripe, being subject-neutral. Cameras...
Have you ever been intimate with someone who doesn’t speak your language? Let me ask...
There’s something incredibly freeing about working with someone who moves as naturally and confidently as...
One of the most profound lessons I’ve learned in my years as a photographer—something that...
Not long ago, I led a small group of iPhone photographers on a photo walk...